In a similar way one gets ready for the day by putting on clothes in a certain order, the sacred vessels used for Mass are prepared. Chalices are built in a certain order so that the priest, deacon, or acolyte can easily prepare the altar at the offertory without having to fumble around. The building of the chalice also helps to bring decorum to the altar, after all, this isn’t a picnic lunch, The Eucharistic Prayer is actually a great honor and a real sacrifice that is about to be offered.
The Chalice is built in the following manner, from the base of the chalice upward:
The Chalice is set out. If there is a cross or dominant feature on the base, that denotes the “front” of the chalice. This should be facing the priest at the altar.
The Purificator is placed so that the two “flaps” are on either side of the chalice. The center of the purificator may need to be pushed inside the cup of the chalice so that the “flaps” do not drag.
The Paten is set on top of the purificator.
The Host is placed on the paten
The Chalice Pall is placed on top of the paten and host.
On solemn celebrations, the addition of the chalice veil and burse may occur. In which case, step, following step 5 :