Ushers have long been essential to the dignified progression of the liturgy, aiding parishioners,
keeping order, taking up collections, and providing a welcoming face for visitors and
parishioners alike.
The ushers should serve to welcome parishioners and visitors and help them to find
seating should the church be at or near capacity. As such, the demeanor of an usher
should be dignified at all times so as to be respectable and trustworthy should he or she
need to exercise authority proper to their ministry.
One or more ushers should keep an accurate count of all who attend each mass for
administrative record keeping purposes.
The ushers should come forward at the beginning of the offertory, either bow or genuflect
and begin to go row by row taking up the collection. This should be done expediently, but
not so quickly so that people are unprepared to participate.
Ushers should see to it that there are three persons to bring up the gifts: one for the
ciborium with the bread, one with the flagon or cruet of wine, and the third with the
offertory basket. Ordinarily the priest will receive the basket first, the wine, and then the
ciborium of bread. Ideally, those chosen to bring up the bread and wine should be baptized and
practicing Catholics.
Second collections should begin after the people have resumed sitting after the
tabernacle door is closed and the vessels are being purified.